
Have you?

Have you ever wondered if something was wrong with your child? Have you ever wondered if that something was just imagined, or if it was real? Have you ever been in an argument with your husband or wife and placed blame on the other, whether it was telling them they were too hard on the child, only to have them say you were spoiling them and they were just acting out? 

I have. 

This blog is to help those that have been in my shoes. It's to give insight on what it's like to live with three young kids who have Sensory Processing Disorder, and other learning disorders. It's to reach out and hug that mom who is confused and worried, who wonders if she is doing something wrong to have her child act out or have meltdowns.

I will give real-life stories of the past year, of how I managed to make the most of my children's young years, no matter how difficult it will be. I'll give advice, and if you have any questions, email me! But most importantly, I want people to know there is help. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. 

Don't let people tell you that you're making things up. That SPD isn't a real thing... it is. 

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